Username: ilyash
Real Name: Ilya
Gender: Male
Country: United States
Zip: 10306
ilyash was last active on 07/24/2014 07:34:45 PM

ilyash is currently studying for the rest of his lifeee - updated on 10/14/2009 01:29:58 PM

Armani ...
Long Is...
White R...
Please Wait...

Interesting, my last post here was when I started Medical School. What a journey that has been! A lot of hard work, countless #2 pencil scantron bubbling, and an unbelievable amount of knowledge gaine...

Med School
It's hard to believe that I'm going to be starting med school so soon! Orientation is August 4th, but even after that almost the whole month is set up with different activities to get to know ...

Wow. Today, June 13, 2009 I am graduating college. Through the BS/MD program @ Drexel, I was able to complete college in three years. I can't believe how fast the time went by... I feel as if just...

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me (1:48:03 AM): ever feel D when you havent consumed anything?
dfitzg (1:48:09 AM): im always D
dfitzg (1:48:13 AM): i dont get the chance

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Send FotchMail | Block 02/11/2009 04:16:32 PM
  • poo

Send FotchMail | Block 02/11/2009 04:14:39 PM
  • mwahah!

Send FotchMail | Block 02/11/2009 03:17:31 PM
  • looopy

Send FotchMail | Block 02/10/2009 11:01:35 PM
  • First post on my page! fotch133/fotch

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