Username: masha
Real Name: masha
Gender: Female
Country: United States
Zip: 19104
masha was last active on 02/19/2009 10:55:12 AM

masha is currently checking out fotchbook for the first time! - updated on 02/19/2009 10:52:59 AM

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Random Fotch Fact

The emotion of a given fotch is expressed by a composite of signals from several sources which alter fotch appearance. These sources may include any combination of the general shape, orientation , position of the head, and the shapes and positions of fotchial features (eyes, mouth, nose). Some of these are relatively constant while others can be changed via muscles.

Tell masha to upload her fotch!

Send FotchMail | Block 02/19/2009 04:30:35 PM
  • Hey welcome to Fotchbook!

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